Thursday, July 23, 2020

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another Post

Greetings to my legion of blog followers!

Sorry that I haven't been very diligent about keeping this blog up. I'm not alone, though. It seems a lot of people think they have something important to say, but it's mostly just so much hot air.

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." - (Ecc 1:9 ESV)

I'll continue to post as soon as I have something novel to say, or feel some righteous indignation that I must let everyone know about- even though nobody really cares anyway- assuming I haven't already gotten on my Facebook soapbox and ranted about it.

Until then..........

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A short review of Against Calvinism

I just finished reading an e-preview edition of a short book titled Against Calvinism: Logical Arguments to Disprove the Doctrines of Grace. It is co-authored by Jeff Peterson, Eddie Eddings, and Jon J. Cardwell. It's published by CreateSpace and is available on Amazon.

In short, this little book presents a concise description of the Reformation, the basics of Arminianism and Calvinism, the five protests of the Arminian Remonstrance, the five points of Calvinism (TULIP) with proof biblical support and scripture references, and the "Logical Arguments Against" each of the five points from an Arminian perspective. Each section is then followed by a brief humorous dialog between the fictitious characters Skeeter and Satch .

I have mixed feelings regarding the concept of the book. While the description of the TULIP of Calvinism, along with the summary and textual references for each area, is informative and to the point, I think that the "Logical Arguments Against" each of the five points, while the authors may think the idea witty, may in fact turn off those whom they might hope to influence. That's all I'll say so as not to spoil what is intended to be humorous.

I've done my duty.
God bless!
Soli Deo Gloria!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Entry #2

So, how's my army of followers doing this fine Saturday evening?

Jeanie and I attended the marriage of two 85 year olds this afternoon at a local United Methodist Church. It was very much Roman Catholic. Yikes!!! I didn't expect that.

Your Friend Stan